Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Burger Quest

I'm on a lifelong hamburger odyssey. I don't expect to one day find the perfect burger and then only eat that burger for the rest of my days. But I do feel compelled to try every hamburger possible, in the hopes of finding one that comes close to perfection.

This weekend, Mrs. FoodGuy and I had a FoodGuy Jr.-less date and went to Davis' Restaurant in downtown Eugene. I really like Davis', though their menu changes so often it's hard to predict what there might be to eat. In any event, it had been over a week since I'd had a hamburger, so despite my love for their Wild Mushroom Pot Pie (which used to come in a puff pastry shell that was SO GOOD and now comes in an only okay herbed pie crust...), I went with the burger.

Though I wish I had photographic evidence, this is not the actual Davis burger.

Now, sometimes I'm a little embarassed to order a hamburger in a place with cloth napkins. But I don't let that stand in my way. When a man needs a hamburger, he needs a hamburger!

On this night, I needed a hamburger. And rather than loading up on toppings, I decided to simplify. All that adorned my burger was swiss cheese and crunchy fried onions.

And it was good. Really Good. Really Really Good, as in, oh my god, this might be the one Good! It was like somebody had injected the burger with extra "ideal hamburger" flavor. It was beefy. It was cooked perfectly. The bun had a little texture to it, rather than being a mushy meat-handle. And I think the simple toppings let the overall deliciousness really shine through.

I had to offer a bite to Mrs. FG, though I didn't want to part with a morsel of it. Now, she's not the burger expert that I am, but she said it was the best burger she ever had. I hesitate to make such proclamtions, but if that wasn't the best burger, I'd have to put it in the Top 10. I'll need to eat at least two more Davis burgers to make sure it wasn't a fluke before I can say Top 5 (look for my post on my Top 5 burgers soon...)

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